

  • 游戏机种:PS4、PS3、PSV
  • 游戏类型:动作冒险
  • 游戏厂商:Koei Tecmo Games
The Queen reigns mercilessly over all nightmares. Acquire all trophies.
  • 0.00%难易度 Common
  • 0翻译
Revealed the first nightmare to humanity. Clear 1 quest in Quest Mode.
  • 0.00%难易度 Common
  • 0翻译
Revealed 10 nightmares. Clear 10 quests in Quest Mode.
  • 0.00%难易度 Common
  • 0翻译
Revealed 30 nightmares. Clear 30 quests in Quest Mode.
  • 0.00%难易度 Common
  • 0翻译
More than halfway through the long nightmare. Clear 50 quests in Quest Mode.
  • 0.00%难易度 Common
  • 0翻译
100 nightmares have ended. Clear all quests in Quest Mode.
  • 0.00%难易度 Common
  • 0翻译
Stole 50 Nightmare Fruits Clear 50 rewards in Quest Mode.
  • 0.00%难易度 Common
  • 0翻译
Stole 100 Nightmare Fruits Clear 100 rewards in Quest Mode.
  • 0.00%难易度 Common
  • 0翻译
Stole 200 Nightmare Fruits Clear 200 rewards in Quest Mode.
  • 0.00%难易度 Common
  • 0翻译
Stole all Nightmare Fruits Clear all rewards in Quest Mode.
  • 0.00%难易度 Common
  • 0翻译
Kanata Fuyuno sees Velguirie and is troubled. Meet Kanata Fuyuno in Quest Mode.
  • 0.00%难易度 Common
  • 0翻译
Kanata Fuyuno regains her original form. Get Kanata Fuyuno as a playable character in Quest Mode.
  • 0.00%难易度 Common
  • 0翻译
Offered 100 souls to the Great One. Defeat 100 humans in Quest Mode.
  • 0.00%难易度 Common
  • 0翻译
created first sacrifice from stolen flesh. Edit an enemy character in Deception Studio.
  • 0.00%难易度 Common
  • 0翻译
created first Nightmare Memory. create a video in Deception Studio.
  • 0.00%难易度 Common
  • 0翻译
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